I’m Dr. Adam Friedman, naturopathic physician, functional medicine practitioner and exercise physiologist. Let’s get to the underlying cause of your pain, restore your health, prevent disease and become your best self.
There is a ‘Therapeutic Order’ I use as a template with patients. At one end of the spectrum you have things like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery (high-force interventions). At the other end there’s diet and lifestyle changes, exercise, stress reduction and meditation.
I start with the least invasive measures first, see if that works, then move on to stronger options. For example, in the case of general malnutrition, a supplement may be prescribed if someone can’t/won’t fix the issue with diet alone.
We could start with hospitalization, IV fluids and intensive psychotherapy but why not start simple and see if that does the trick?
Patients seek me out for my knowledge of both naturopathic medicine and exercise physiology. Learn what to expect with my approach and get the answers you need to finally feel better.
Why work with me? Learn more about my training, philosophy and approach to individual health care.